Topics de la misión "Adaptación al cambio climático" en el programa de trabajo 2023-2024 de Misiones y actividades transversales de Horizonte Europa

Referencia : C_topic2024_adaptacionalcambioclimatico

Caduca : 18-09-2024


Fecha límite: 18 de septiembre de 2024

  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-01: Bringing available and actionable solutions for climate adaptation to the knowledge of the regions and local authorities (CSA)
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-02: Bringing together the national level with the engaged regional and local levels (multi-level governance) (CSA)
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-03: Develop and refine outcome indicators to measure progress on climate resilience at national, regional and local levels, including knowledge and feedback developed from the Mission (RIA)
  •  HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-04: Research the complex interplay between the climate and biodiversity crises towards more systemic approaches and solutions (RIA)
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-05: Improve design for transformative approaches and build local capacity for implementation of available solutions focused on climate adaptation (RIA)
  •  HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-06: Demonstration of approaches to improve bankability of solutions by design, addressing the co-benefits (mitigation and adaptation) to improve revenues streams (IA)
  •  HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-07: Demonstration of solutions specifically suited to rural areas and small/ medium size population local communities (IA)
  •  HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-08: Demonstration of approaches by regions and local authorities focused on increasing climate resilience of the most vulnerable social groups (just climate resilience) (IA)
  •  HORIZON-MISS-2024-CLIMA-01-09: Systemic and cross-sectoral solutions for climate resilience, tailored to the local needs of regions and local authorities (IA)

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En esta página se encuentra una selección de oportunidades de colaboración tecnológica que se han extraído de la base de datos global de la Enterprise Europe Network que puede consultar en la web del consorcio EEN-GalacteaPlus , del cual FICYT es entidad coordinadora. También se incluye una selección de brokerage events y misiones, así como las convocatorias de programas europeos que se consideran más importantes para las empresas del Principado de Asturias.

