This regional UETP is to provide transnatonal cooperation concerning training in technology in its region in the fields of biology, chemistry, production, manufacturing and IT. Programme (EEC) on cooperation between universities and industry regarding training in the field of technology (COMETT II), 1990-1994
Grant agreement ID: 4336
This second COMETT programme, like the first (1986-1989), has it roots in a Council Decision of 2 April 1963 laying down general principles for implementing a common vocational training policy. It is related to programmes included in the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987-1991) which are aimed at reinforcing technological and industrial cooperation at Community level, in particular ESPRIT, BRITE/EURAM, SCIENCE and DELTA, the latter being specifically directed at learning technologies. It is also related to the ERASMUS programme for the mobility of university students, the EUROTECNET programme for vocational training, and the Community actions undertaken in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The programme comprises a range of transnational actions to strengthen European cooperation between universities and enterprises in respect of advanced training in response to technological and social change. To give a European dimension to cooperation between universities and enterprises in respect of technological training and with a view to completion of the internal market by fostering the joint development of training programmes, the exchange of experience, the optimum use of Community training resources and an improved supply of local, regional and national training, and by identifying priorities requiring supplementary action.
Four measures:
- European Network: Development of the existing European network of transnational university-enterprise training partnerships (UETPs), particularly in the following fields: . Identification of technological training needs; . Training for innovation transfer; . Reinforcement of inter-regional cooperation; - Transnational Exchanges: Grants for students, including new graduates, who spend a period of training in enterprises located in another Member State, and for academic personnel and the staff of enterpris seseconded for training purposes in another Member State; - Joint advanced training and multi-media distance training projects: Support for advanced training courses with a European dimension designed to promote the rapid dissemination in universities and enterprises of new technology R&D and to facilitate innovation transfer for SMEs; - Complementary measures: . Support for pre-project visits or meetings; . Structured exchange of information and experience, particularly through the creation of COMETT Information Centres linking projects by electronic mail; . Analysing the effect of new technologies on qualifications and training needs; . Reaching a better mutual comprehension of the obstacles to university-enterprise cooperation on training; . Continuing evaluation of the programme. The Commission is responsible for implementing the programme. It is assisted by a consultative committee consisting of two representatives (at least one of whom must be an industrialist) from each Member State and chaired by a Commission representative. Two representatives of the social partners, appointed by the Commission, participate as observers in the work of the Committee, which is responsible for liaison between the programme and similar initiatives implemented in the Member States. The measures are aimed at new graduates, representatives of the social partners, training officers and other employees. The Communitys flat-rate financial contribution to projects does not normally exceed 50% of eligible expenditure. The selection of projects takes account of their potential contribution to the progress of the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987-1991), regardless of participation in it by the undertakings concerned. Particular emphasis is placed on the training needs of SMEs. Annual reports on implementation of the programme are submitted by the Commission, after consulting the COMETT Committee, to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee. By 30 June 1992 it will submit an evaluation report to these bodies and by 30 June 1995 a final report.